Ukraine is proposed the third Maidan

Opublikowano: 10.12.2019 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1171

In anticipation of the meeting in the Norman format of the representatives of Ukraine, Russia, Germany and France in Ukraine are again growing dissatisfaction with the countries authorities. The opposition puts forward its conditions.

On the initiative of the leaders of three opposition Ukrainian parties – “European Solidarity” (Petro Poroshenko), “Fatherland” (Yulia Tymoshenko) and “Voice” (Svyatoslav Vakarchuk) a protest rally was held on December 8 to “remind the authorities of the red lines” – the demands of the Ukrainian people that the authorities cannot ignore.”

Oppositionists expressed confidence in the inadmissibility of compromises on issues of integration into NATO and the EU, “de-occupation of the Crimea” and the holding of elections in the Donbass. Representatives of the radical parties present hinted to the president that in the case of demonstration of loyalty to Russia, he could suffer the fate of President Yanukovych who had to run away from the country.

Just two weeks before that, November 21 marks 15 years since the first Maidan in the history of the country.

The history of modern Ukraine shows that the Maidan has become a characteristic feature of Ukrainian society, a means of achieving certain goals and changes.

For 15 years, two maidan took place in the country – in 2004 and 2013.

In November 2004, the first Madan took place. The Orange Revolution (according to the color of the attributes of Viktor Yushchenko’s supporters), as it is also called, was raised by Viktor Yushchenko in the struggle for the presidency with Viktor Yanukovych. The result was the victory of the first in the third round of presidential elections.

Five years later, the “orange president” suffered a crushing defeat in the election, gaining only 5.5% of the vote and Viktor Yanukovych took the presidency.

On November 21, 2013, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine announced that it was going to suspend preparations for concluding an Association Agreement with the European Union. The same evening, on the ninth anniversary of the Orange Revolution, a rally was held on Independence Square, which was attended by the leaders of the “Freedom”, “Udar” and “Batkivshchyna” parties, Oleg Tyagnibok, Vitaliy Klitschko and Arseniy Yatsenyuk. Everything was resolved three months ago after the mass rallies, clashes between protesters and the police, and mass bloodshed on February 18, 2014. As a result, Maidan won again, and Yanukovych run away from the country.

I would like to note that during the Maidan the Ukrainian society is trying to realize its requests for the future. And the organizers unceremoniously manipulate this. As a result, leadership changes. The new government concludes with the previous agreement, which it ignores. The population does not receive anything.

Ordinary citizens got the opportunity to become involved in the likeness of a myth, where the heroes fight evil on the way to a new life. But besides the fact that people’s expectations are not met, there is another negative factor. There are always victims in the battle between good and evil. And in the case of Ukraine, they are very significant. Starting from the “Heavenly Hundred” to thousands of dead and injured as a result of bloody battles in the east of our country (which became one of the indirect results of the last Maidan).

And now, opposition politicians are offering the population a third time to enter Independence Square.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk


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