Zelensky’s visit to the US is beneficial for both sides

Opublikowano: 22.12.2022 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 908

Zelensky has been inviting Biden to Kyiv for a long time. But while Kyiv is under Russian shelling, Biden naturally will not go there. Yes, and it’s not solid. The age is not the same, and the status does not allow it.

Zelensky is not proud, so he drove himself.

At the same time, the interests of the parties coincide.

What did Zelensky get:

– the visit will demonstrate unfading support for Ukraine from the USA;

– the president had brought an impressive package of overseas assistance for almost 2 billion;

– legalized the supply of American Patriot air defense systems. So far there is only one battery, but the fact itself is important;

– well, self-promotion, of course.

Now for Biden:

– a face-to-face meeting with Zelensky will allow to put pressure on the Republicans so that they do not block military and financial assistance;

– thanks to the promoted Zelensky, the topic of Ukraine will become the main one in the States before Christmas and New Year. The country will go on vacation to discuss Ukraine, which will shift the focus from its own problems.

Author: Timoschul
Source: WolneMedia.net


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