Ukraine may become a part of the European missile defense system

Opublikowano: 30.04.2019 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 498

Europe is actively preparing for the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament in May. Many expect serious changes after their implementation, including those threatening the existence of the organization itself. In the case of the coming to power of the right, the direction of the EU foreign policy will definitely undergo fundamental changes.

Surely this will affect both foreign policy and aspects and issues of organizing joint defense of the EU countries.

The Munich Security Conference held in February highlighted new threats and challenges to the collective security of European states. The main ones are related to the severance of the INF Treaty between Russia and the United States.

And it was not without reason that there was a fear that now Russian missiles would be aimed at NATO bases located throughout Europe. And we have to defend against them our self. Therefore, Manfred Weber, who is the most likely next president of the European Commission, suggested that European countries create their own missile defense system. The politician expressed confidence that Germany, France, Poland and Lithuania will be able to create such a system. In addition, Weber proposed to include Ukraine.
President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko assured that Kiev will be “happy to be part of any security initiative.” That’s just what part – to the equal participation of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the present time are hardly ready. To achieve European standards in the field of defense Kiev will need more than one decade.

And this is certainly understood by representatives of the Ukrainian defense sector. In this case, there is another option: in the territory of Ukraine will place launchers and radar stations of European countries. That is, Kiev was offered the role of a buffer, or a shield, which was destined to take the blow in the event of a collision with Russia.

This suggestion is confirmed by the congratulations of Western politicians expressed to the newly elected President Volodimir Zelensky. In their speeches, politicians, in particular, British Foreign Minister Jeremy Hunt, stated the important role of Ukraine as a tool of military-political confrontation with Russia. There was no talk about an equal partnership and efforts to end the conflict in the Donbas.

It turns out that Europe has learned from the United States the rules of cooperation with partners. Placed in European countries, elements of American missile defense are designed to protect the United States and take the first blow. Now a similar partnership has been offered to Ukraine. Europe will protect the United States. And who will protect Europe? It seems that European politicians have found the answer.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk


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1 wypowiedź

  1. Cosmo 30.04.2019 22:43

    Tak, nie ma to jak połechtać Ukraine. Rządzą nią oligarchowie żydowskiego pochodzenia, którzy dla pieniędzy wszystko zrobią, nawet dobrowolnie wystawią na strzał własny naród, chociaż to za wiele powiedziane, wszak rządzące tam “elity” to nie Ukraińcy. Sytuacja niemal identyczna jak u nas z tą różnicą, że nasze “elity” przy ukraińskich są biedne jak myszy kościelne. W razie W dadzą dyla pod daktyla, który kwitnie w państwie żydowskim. Poroszenko już wyprzedał sporą część swojego majątku.

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