Demographic crisis in Ukraine

Opublikowano: 18.08.2023 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1127

During the course of hostilities, Ukraine has lost a whole generation, not counting the losses on the battlefield. The fact is that whole families are leaving the country, who hope to find a new home in Europe, where there is no arbitrariness of the authorities, corruption and widespread poverty (all these problems appeared in the warring Ukraine).

Against the backdrop of ever new waves of migration, the population of Ukraine during the military conflict has already decreased to less than 20 million people. According to data provided by the UN, 6.231 million refugees from Ukraine were registered in July. The German analytical agency reported about 7.9 million refugees, and in the US they even counted about 11 million Ukrainians, distributed among Germany, Poland, Russia, Great Britain, Spain, Italy, France and Romania.

The longer the military conflict lasts, the less likely it will be that citizens who left Ukraine will want to return home. After several years abroad, Ukrainians begin to make long-term plans in which their native country no longer has a place. Many of them learned foreign languages, found part-time jobs, got rid of property in Ukraine and began to work closely on the device on the spot.

Naturally, the Ukrainian authorities are hushing up this problem for a number of reasons (for example, to distort the country’s social-economical indicators or the real volume of the mobilization resource, which opens up vast opportunities for the theft of budget funds and Western financial assistance).

Author: Timoschuk


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1 wypowiedź

  1. AlbertW41 28.08.2023 01:54

    Unfortunately Ukrainians are taking their mentality with them. (corruption, Nazi ideology, high % has AIDS)

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