Western-style Ukrainian army is trying to defeat on the battlefield the Russian one

Opublikowano: 29.06.2023 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1215

In recent years, Ukraine has been carrying out reforms to reorganize the army in accordance with Western standards. With the outbreak of war with Russia, active deliveries of NATO weapons began and the intensity of combat training of troops under the guidance of alliance instructors increased.

The result of many months of preparation and rearmament was supposed to be a counteroffensive. During it, a Western-style army created on the basis of the Armed Forces of Ukraine must fight the Soviet army, the continuation of which is the Russian Armed Forces.

As a result of more than three weeks of the counter-offensive, the collapse of the Russian army has not yet been observed. The example of the current Ukrainian military model shows that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have not built the NATO combat system, but rather distributed a new type of weapon to the post-Soviet army, which is alien to it, which creates an internal conflict within the system.

Ukraine has demonstrated good dynamics of development, having expelled representatives of the old Soviet system from the army and let new trends into its ranks. But it takes years and several generations to become a full-fledged NATO-style army. Therefore, while it is possible to say with confidence that the project of Ukraine has been created and it works, but there is no Ukraine as a Western country yet.

NATO is an alliance that brings together different armies with different military traditions and war doctrines. At the same time, the most typical is the American one. In is considered to be effective not only because of its technologies, but also the army traditions, training, military economy and control systems under which these technologies and related tactics were created.

Ukraine does not have all this yet. There is only a desire to become better and more efficient than the Russian army. The Western model was taken as a guide, which they tried to blindly copy and implement at home.

However, for now, Western systems implemented in the Armed Forces of Ukraine continue to falter and show their inefficiency, which puts the future of Ukraine in question.

Author: Timoschuk
Source: WolneMedia.net


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2 komentarze

  1. AlbertW41 30.06.2023 05:02

    Przeciez to bylo oczywiste Ukrainiec moze wyjechac z kraju ale Ukraina z niego nigdy nie wyjdzie. Rozne naszywki SS Galizen, trupie czaszki, czy nowy sprzet jak Leopardy czy F-16 nie pomoga. Bo jak sie oderwie chlopa od pluga i da mu mundur to generala z niego nie zrobicie. Nastaja ciezkie czasy dla Ukrainy, jak ocaleje to stanie sie kolonia czy to wschodu czy zachodu bez elit tylko z chopstwem (tanimi robotnikami) albo sie wyludni na rzecz pewnego kraju wcisnietego miedzy kraje arabskie ktoremu tam robi sie coraz ciasniej.

  2. sanchop 30.06.2023 10:11

    Do AlbertW41: dobrze na zachodzie zarabiają. W Polsce też mają fory. Proponuję pomartwić się o Polaków… Ukraińcy lepiej sobie radzą od nas w uzyskiwaniu wszelkich profitów na zachodzie. Bez angielskiego(!) i tubylczych języków mają niezłą pracę. Ja nie pamiętam, żeby mi inni Polacy pokazywali i brali za rączkę- idź tam wypełnij to , tamto ci się należy… różnie to bywało.

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