Poland follows the path of Turkey

Opublikowano: 05.04.2022 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1418

Refugees from Ukraine have become the most important topic on the international agenda. Millions of people have lost their usual way of life. They were forced to move to other cities and countries. Many people need to help them. And it’s happening. Many European countries hospitably opened their doors to Ukrainians. They are provided with medical, psychological, financial assistance, housing.

Poland is the most active in this matter. It is the closest neighbor and most people leaving Ukraine start their journey to Europe through Poland. Then someone stays in this country, someone moves to other European countries. Currently, more than two million refugees have arrived in the country and this flow does not stop. A serious burden awaits the budget of the republic. The government plans to set up a $1.75 billion relief fund. And this is happening against the background of a constant increase in prices for food and utilities for their own population.

Is it possible to assume that assistance to Ukrainian refugees from Warsaw is provided in order to obtain further preferences and a chance to put pressure on Brussels. Will Duda scare the European Union with Ukrainian refugees? As did his Turkish counterpart, using African and Middle Eastern refugees. There are currently no refugee camps in Poland like there are in Turkey. It was them that Erdogan was ready to open and launch an avalanche of refugees into the EU. But so far, the number of migrants in the republic is less, and the flow does not stop. I

t is also important that in the near future the topic of immigrants from Ukraine will no longer unite the Poles. Due to the constant increase in the number of visitors, the occupancy of hospitals, schools, where priority will be given to Ukrainians. Most of the refugees will want to become Polish citizens. And these people will influence the political agenda of the country. Internal and external. This means that the time has come for Polish politicians to be as accommodating as possible with guests from Ukraine as with a potential electorate.

Author: Timoschuk
Source: WolneMedia.net


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