Russian troops suffer heavily though Ukraine needs more weapons

Opublikowano: 27.02.2022 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1426

Europe’s months-long policy to make Russia deescalate and block military aid caused Russian invasion and deaths among civilians in Ukraine.

Russian troops are faced with fierce resistance not only from the Ukrainian armed forces but from the civilian population fighting against Russian saboteurs who mark civilian infrastructure for carrying out missile and air strikes.

It is obvious that Ukraine needs more air defense equipment, AGTMs, as well as ammunition.

Russia’s invasion of Ukraine allows us making some conclusions:

1. The Belarusian regime of illegitimate President Lukashenko can support the Russian invasion. In this case Ukraine needs more support from the international community, particularly weapons, to stop the act of aggression and rebuild peace in the country.

2. Russia does not pose a threat to NATO militarily. Such position requires the consolidation of the Alliance members to counter the Kremlin’s aggression. The West-Russia military confrontation threats existing in Europe are exaggerated. The situation in Ukraine demonstrates heavy losses Russians have suffered within the first three days of the war: 14 aircraft, 536 combat vehicles, 15 guns, 8 helicopters, 102 tanks, 1 air defense system and more than 3,500 Russian servicemen.

3. Ukrainian government asked the Red Cross to assist in evacuating bodies of Russian killed soldiers and officers to Russia. Despite the fact that Russia has one of the world’s largest military budgets, extensive losses Russians suffer in Ukraine proves a high level of corruption in Russia’s defense sector and huge technological backwardness of its military-technical sector. Ukrainian army shot down Russian helicopters and planes with relatively old weapons. The trend that has appeared in Libya and Nagorno-Karabakh still continues: the complete degradation of air defense systems produced by Russia. The Ukrainian army also destroys the latest Russian weaponry models, such as Typhoon ARV.

4. The nature of Russian military operations duplicates the tactics of Nazi Germany: destruction of civilian infrastructure, critical infrastructure, social security facilities, including hospitals, schools, kindergartens. Russian invaders stroke at a high block of flats in the downtown of Kyiv and hospital and oncological hospital in Kharkiv.

5. This fact shows the civilizational gap between the West and Russia, as well as the West’s long-standing illusions about the possibility of having Russia as a partner and establishing contacts and cooperation with the Kremlin.

6. Europe failed to create a security system in the region and lost the ability to prevent totalitarian regimes from realizing their imperial plans and ambitions in Europe.

Autorship: Political Ecological Economics


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