Old story with a new splash screen

Opublikowano: 18.06.2021 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1268

President Zelensky’s statements about the most combat-ready army in Europe and the need for dialogue with Putin can be called the finish line. This is the end of his political career. Confirmation of his misunderstanding of reality. Poroshenko also said that the Ukrainian military will receive a lot of money. The military continues to die, but they have not become richer. Lies, lies, lies from the lips of presidents. This is what unites them.

The most efficient army in Europe. Sounded like a threat to Europe. In Ukraine, this army will be created in retaliation for not being accepted into NATO. I thought that such an army should be created to protect the country and the population. But no. How will this army be created? Where is the funding? Who will help? It is evident that the West does not want to bother too much with this. Until now, the matter is limited only to numerous declarations in support of Kiev. Washington and its allies refrain from assuming any obligations on both NATO membership and Kiev’s security guarantees in the event of an active conflict in Donbass. The Alliance refers to the 2008 Bucharest Declaration. This is a political statement that Kiev and Tbilissi can join NATO. No time frame has been set for this.

Perhaps a bilateral military-political agreement with the United States would be enough for Ukraine. But this is still not the case. The reason is the failure to carry out reforms, corruption… A virtual US-Ukrainian agreement could provide for the deployment of American military bases on the territory of the country. The best European army would be trained there. Why isn’t it? After all, in words they support. There is no trust in our political leadership, there is no extra money, there is no desire to create a precedent for other countries (Georgia), there is no desire to complicate relations with Moscow. This applies to both Washington and Brussels. Ukraine does not have such a friend as Turkey does for Azerbaijan.

The desire to talk with Putin about Donbass did not arise after the understanding that no one expects in the West? What does he want to offer to his Russian colleague? And will this meeting take place? After meeting with Biden, Putin does not need Zelensky.

Maybe Ukraine has its own political path? The path of neutrality and independence? The path of their own actions, and not waiting for help from good neighbors from the West and the East?

Ukraine is in a very difficult situation. And the current political leadership brought her there, unfortunately. What seemed like a breath of fresh air turned out to be old Istria with a new splash screen. It did not live up to the hopes and trust of the population. I think that over time, Zelensky will be recognized as the worst president. But it was not in vain that I started the article by mentioning the past president. His activities for the country can also be assessed negatively. So the question is ripe: who should come instead of the current president? So far, there are familiar faces on the political arena of the country. And they will not be able to change the situation for the better. This has been proven many times over.

Author: Timoschuk
Source: WolneMedia.net


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