Kremlin keeps orchestrating moves by Hungary’s right-wing radicals

Opublikowano: 18.03.2021 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1025

The WEG noticed that a Hungarian right-wing radical party, Our Homeland Movement, has released on its website a provocative statement calling for the cessation of Zakarpattia (Transcarpathia) from Ukraine and its accession to Hungary.

This international-level provocative call was signed by a Balassagyarmat-born Mayor of Cserháthaláp, acting president of the Nógrád county, and vice-president of the mentioned party, Dávid Dócs.

The statement reads: “It is with outrage and sadness that we observe more and more rude, aggressive and threatening actions being organized in Ukraine against the autochthonous Hungarian minority separated from their homeland, but still living on the land of their ancestors. They’re doing it with ‘patriotic zeal’, insidiously referring to defending their homeland and ignoring the fact that in Transcarpathia it’s Hungarians who are at home, while Ukrainians are an ethnic group alien to the area. Earlier, they would try to intimidate our long-suffering Hungarian brothers, who found themselves behind this ‘ridiculous border’, with assaults and damage to monuments, while now they are applying even harsher tools. This was the bombing of a KMKS office, an attempt to poison the Berehovo water supply system, and most recently, threats to take the lives of Hungarians, which cannot be taken lightly. The Our Homeland Movement condemns and despises such acts of cowardice and calls on the Hungarian government to exert significant diplomatic pressure on the government of the neighboring state, while Ukrainian authorities must immediately take measures to identify the culprits and ensure safety of the Hungarian population. The official visit of Hungary’s foreign minister to a country where a massive Hungarian community still resides, cannot be the subject of bargaining, mainly the subject of bargaining with terrorists. If the Ukrainian state fails to guarantee safety and protection of the indigenous minority, let it give up the territories where this minority mainly lives today in order to eliminate the original source of all problems as soon as possible! The Our Homeland Movement takes this opportunity to assure all our brothers in the detached territories of our readiness to stand up for them, because ‘Every Hungarian is responsible for every Hungarian!'”

Apparently, such calls to put pressure on Ukraine and seize its territories are seen as an indisputable interference in the country’s internal affairs. They don’t contribute to normalization of Hungarian-Ukrainian interstate relations, being a clear example of “crossing the red lines.”

Since 2014, Russia has been pitting Ukraine and Hungary against each other, and once the conflict erupted, Moscow has been successfully deepening splits. The Kremlin has been manipulating public opinion in Kyiv and Budapest, setting up provocations and terrorist acts. In particular, the repeated arson incidents and the bombing of the Society of Hungarian Culture of Zakarpattia’s office in Uzhgorod in 2018, had been plotted and funded by Russian intelligence.

Budapest’s policy toward Ukraine shows Hungary is unconditionally playing along with Moscow. Hungary has de facto taken the Kremlin’s side in a hybrid war Russia is waging against the West. The imperialist similarity between the regimes led by Vladimir Putin and Viktor Orban, namely exploiting and heating up revanchist nationalist sentiments, is an instrument of ideological consolidation of Hungary’s government authoritarian rule.

No need to be a sophisticated analyst to see that the statement by the Our Homeland Movement had been masterminded by Kremlin. It clearly illustrates how Russia exploits peculiar features of Hungary’s political elite, focusing on “imperial ambitions” stemming from the past and thus feeding their “nationalist and chauvinist populism.”

Autorship: Political Ecological Economics


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