Belarus protest’ supporters in Lithuania are in danger

Opublikowano: 25.08.2020 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 610

Lithuania has confirmed 30 new cases of COVID-19 on Saturday and 41 on Sunday. The country’s total count of COVID-19 cases to 2,635 and its total death toll to 83.

In a press conference on Thursday, Lithuanian Health Minister Aurelijus Veryga mentioned that additional safety requirements could be applied soon.

The health minister also signed a decree requiring customers of catering places to wear masks all the time except when eating and drinking.

“Customers ordering food at the till must keep a one-metre distance between each other. Spacing between tables must also ensure the two-meters distance between customers,” said Lina Bušinskaitė, advisor to the health minister.

“Several other countries also apply such measures to stop the spread of coronavirus. In Lithuania, we are tightening the measures in response to an increasing number of infections,” she added.

Thus, the Ministry of Health is trying to prevent a second wave of coronavirus.

At the same time, on the 31st anniversary of the Baltic Way, some 50,000 people are expected to form a human chain from Vilnius to the Belarusian border to express solidarity with protests in the neighbouring country.

To show solidarity with protests in Belarus is actually a good idea. But unfortunately such a large-scale action can significantly complicate the epidemiological situation in Lithuania.

The original Baltic Way was a landmark protest on August 23, 1989, when millions of people formed a human chain from Vilnius to Tallinn via Riga to demand independence from the Soviet Union.

Authorship: The Baltic Word


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