Sport for politics

Opublikowano: 09.07.2020 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1198

Kneeling… Now this is easier than going to McDonald’s. Black athletes are especially active in doing this, using their popularity or sport. They understand that they will be seen and actively use it.

The tradition of kneeling belongs to the American military contingent. So in the cemetery they show respect to their dead comrades. The first athlete who tried to draw attention to the problem of racial discrimination was the American football player Colin Kaepernick. In August 2016, he defiantly stayed on the bench while performing the US anthem. In an interview with reporters, he said that he was not going to be proud of a country in which the rights of dark-skinned and colored people were infringed. A few days later he received a letter from a former player and military man. The letter said that you can’t ignore the anthem. Therefore, it was decided to kneel. A photograph was also found of Martin Luther King, where he stood on one knee.

He was supported by other players. And even President Barack Obama. But the next choice was won by Donald Trump. Kneeling was banned as a political act. They began to forget about Kaepernick. In the summer of 2017, he was left without a contract. Not a single team decided to sign it. In addition, other athletes were conditionally disqualified for kneeling.

But everything changed on May 25th. Thanks to George Floyd. Kapernik’s gesture became one of the symbols of the Black Lives Matter protest movement. Police officers, celebrities, politicians stood on their knees. After that, banning such a thing in sports would be strange. And athletes are actively using it. Not only in the USA. During football matches in Germany and England, in Formula1 races.

It is necessary to pay attention to the problem of racism. Mandatory. But where are the real actions from these people? Where is the real help from these athletes earning millions of dollars? Some of them built a school for children from disadvantaged areas?

This is all like advertising and PR. And therefore enrichment. And it reminds permissiveness. That is why in the NBA appear T-shirts with the inscriptions Erdogan Sucks insulting the president of the country. I’m not talking about the style of his rule and actions. This is a topic for another article. The current struggle for the rights of blacks infringes on the rights of whites. Often they themselves provoke the situation. Behave incorrectly. And then they accuse you of racism. Recall the football player Yaya Toure. After each yellow card, he said that he was shown it because it is black.

When the struggle for the rights of African Americans is extolled, the rights of whites and other races are infringed. Why do BLM supporters at the same time not support Asians, Hispanics? Are their lives not important?

Surely we are waiting for an interesting continuation of this story.

By the way Colin Kaepernick actively collaborates with Disney and writes a book. Perhaps soon we will see him in big politics…

Are only black lives important?

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk
Based on:


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2 komentarze

  1. Timoschuk 09.07.2020 13:32

    to Admin WM:
    Can you translate this article?

  2. Admin WM 10.07.2020 08:33

    To Timoschuk (Google Translator):
    Email is used to correspond with me.
    I don’t know English, and what Google Translator showed was incomprehensible to me.

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