Ukrainian volleyball club will play in the Polish league

Opublikowano: 20.05.2020 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 575

The strongest are respected. They are admired and people take an example from them.

In this regard, the actions of the Ukrainian volleyball club may not be a very good example. Lviv volleyball club “Barkom-Kazhany” has applied for participation in the Polish championship.

The Polish Volleyball League confirmed the receipt of the application. And its representative, Kamil Składowski, promised that the application would be considered.

Lviv is the cultural capital of Ukraine. And in many ways a role model. And this seemingly inconspicuous situation could give rise to a major political process. The words of the former coach of the Ukrainian team, Jan Suh, “Let’s return Lviv to Poland, at least in volleyball”, may not go unnoticed by Polish officials.

Club President Oleg Baran said that such things are normal practice in sports. He said that the Ukrainian Volleyball Association supported him and “that this is a path that needs to be prepared both technically, physically and mentally. Therefore, they approached this issue calmly and systematically.”

However, there is nothing unexpected in the appeal of the former coach of “Bark-Kazhany”. Jan Suh is a Pole by nationality. And in part of Polish society, there are still ambitions to return the lost eastern territories, which include Lviv.

Warsaw officials do not share this position. But for more than 10 years now, residents of Western Ukraine have been able to get a “Pole card”, which facilitates their stay and employment in Poland.

Currently, there are more than a million Ukrainian labor migrants working in Poland; in recent years, the number of Ukrainians studying at Polish universities has been steadily increasing. Now the matter may concern sports.

One sports club that has applied for participation in the Polish league can create a great sporting precedent. If such a practice becomes permanent, administrative and territorial units may ask for integration into Polish structures.

And such movements are likely to find support from Ukrainian nationalists. Every year, questions are raised about the results of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact. Statements appear about the legitimacy of finding the western regions within Ukraine.

Returning to sports, I would like to note that the desire for professional growth is natural for any athlete. And national leagues cannot provide such an opportunity. Therefore, athletes are forced to choose: to develop in the strongest leagues or to degrade in their own. And this is not necessarily about the Polish championships. And not only about volleyball.

But sport sets a precedent. The best volleyball team in a country wants to play in another country. Others may follow. And if the Poles support such a desire?

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk


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1 wypowiedź

  1. Admin WM 20.05.2020 10:57

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