Land Reform = Civil War

Opublikowano: 15.02.2020 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1485

Ukraine is the owner of the world’s largest area of ​​valuable fertile land. The country has 30 million hectares of black soil. And it is quite natural that many want to get these values.

One of the conditions of the IMF to provide Ukraine with further loans is the lifting of the ban on the sale of agricultural land. A moratorium on the sale of farmland lasted 18 years. And President Volodymyr Zelensky promised to remove it.

On first reading, the land reform bill was adopted in November. Despite the fact that the initiative is unpopular in society and many opposed it out of fear of the massive purchase of land by foreigners. The bill was adopted due to the ruling party of the president. Of the 240 deputies who voted in favor of its adoption, 227 were members of the Servant to the People party.

Now the discussion of the scandalous law has reached the finish line. At the same time, President Zelensky and his and his parliamentary faction “Servant to the People” advocate the adoption of the law. “Fatherland” by Yulia Timoshenko and “Opposition platform – for life” are against it.

Consideration of the project in the second reading began on February 6. And in the last two days of the working week, parliamentarians managed to discuss just over two hundred of the 4018 amendments to the document. The head of the “Servant to the People” faction, David Arahamia, suggested that at such a speed of discussion of amendments, the bill could be considered by mid-April. Although initially the speaker of the Rada and a member of the pro-presidential party, Dmitry Razumkov, expressed the hope that the document would be considered in one day.

Due to the obvious unpopularity of the proposed land reform among the population and fears that foreigners will buy land, by the second reading the paragraph on foreign owners was removed. This issue remains to be resolved in a referendum. In the current version, the ban on the acquisition of Ukrainian land applies to citizens of Russia, offshore companies and organizations with an unclear beneficiary. At the same time, political scientists have found the first way to circumvent this rule – this is the ability of banks, including foreign ones, to accept land as collateral. And this fact may indicate the presence of a mechanism for the hidden redistribution of agricultural land plots in favor of foreign companies.

It is very likely that the main profit gainers in the case of the adoption of the land law will be the Western partners of Ukraine and transnational corporations. It is very likely that the norm that it is possible to buy land in unlimited quantities through a bank is specifically provided for the implementation of such a scheme. Representatives of transnational corporations and agricultural oligarchs are buying up the votes of deputies to promote the law. In this case, the amount of “fees” reach hundreds of thousands of dollars. Zelensky’s party has enough votes to provide the lifting of the moratorium. Therefore, deputies of other fractions receive a fee to create a safety vote fund.

The president himself does not force the adoption of the law most likely because it is not beneficial for him. In recent months, his rating has fallen by almost 40 percent. And voting for the land market can finally bring it down.

The Cabinet of Ministers is not willing to obey to the will of the president, the Prosecutor General, too, and former associate Igor Kolomoisky and Interior Minister Arsen Avakov went into direct opposition. Residents begin to go out to protest actions. According to official figures, citizens have more than 700 thousand weapons. There is an experience of Maidan. All this creates very sad premises.

The statement by Yulia Timoshenko that “this law was created under the total speculation of Ukrainian land and in order to take our land from Ukraine” does not look populist.

Volodymyr Zelensky promised that the sale of agricultural land would be put to a popular vote. But he does not dare to do this because there are instructions from the IMF. Together with an unauthorized government wishing to find a source of profit, this step is likely to lead to the purchase of farmland by foreigners, the destruction of Ukrainian farms, the decline of villages and will contribute to economic degradation and social tension.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk


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