Lesson from Macron: how to start a war on several fronts and quarrel with a whole Europe in one day

Opublikowano: 03.09.2019 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 440

August, 26th in French Biarritz, a meeting of representatives of G7 countries ended.

Traditionally, US President Donald Trump surprised everyone by proposing to return Russia to the format of negotiations. But no less resonant was the behavior of French President Emmanuel Macron.

The host of the summit demonstrated his excessive geopolitical ambitions, which baffled other participants in the G-7. At times it seemed that the French leader did not even agree with Angela Merkel, with whom their political positions basically coincided.

The French leader began with representatives of large private business, a meeting with which took place before the start of the G7 summit. During the meeting, he used the fashionable “anti-capitalist” theme, but developed it somewhat in a peculiar manner. So, instead of expressing support for the official Paris in the economic confrontation with the United States, Macron gave a lecture to businessmen on social justice and opposed the beneficial globalization campaigns in Europe. The French president sharply criticized one of the main projects of the last decade – the agreement on free trade with the South American Mercosur trade bloc (European diplomacy and lobbyists worked on it for 20 years).

The reason for such a statement was an online conflict with Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, whom he accused of ineffective fight against forest fires, as well as of deforestation in the interests of expanding agriculture. It is worth noting that the President of Brazil fell under Macron’s “hot hand” after he criticized the Russian Northern Sea Route, which in his opinion threatens ecology (it is worth noting that Macron positions itself as a leader in the fight against climate changes).

Calls by Brazilian politicians to calm down and stop discussing the country in the absence of its representatives at the summit were unsuccessful. In response, Macron said that until Brazil fulfills its requirements, a free trade agreement with Mercosur will not be concluded. Although the conclusion of this agreement is beneficial primarily for European business.

For his behavior and the self-proclaimed powers of an environmental leader, the French president was harshly criticized by the summit participants and, above all, by Angela Merkel.

Macron was supposed to rally the EU for another confrontation with Donald Trump, and the G7 summit to demonstrate the unity of Europe before the anti-globalist Trump. In fact, it turned out that “Macron tore the agenda of his G7 summit in a fit of climate rage”. This is how Bloomberg journalists, traditionally opposed to Trump and supporting the French leader, described his behavior.

Thus, the planned format of the Biarritz summit “The whole civilized world under the leadership of the successful anti-populist Macron condemns Trump” was foiled. On the other hand, jokes about a short leader with high ambitions reappeared, who starts the war on several fronts and sets up the whole of Europe against himself.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk
Source: WolneMedia.net


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