In searching of Government

Opublikowano: 09.08.2019 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 576

It has passed 2 weeks after Presidents elections in Ukraine. The Presidents party “Servant of the People” is still searching new Prime Minister and members of the parliament. The results of elections allows Vladimir Zelensky to form new loyal cabinet of ministers. The same will be with The Verkhovna Rada. The new Ukrainian President has all possibilities to improve life in the Ukraine.

According to different Mass Media, now there are about 5-6 members for the chair of the head of Government. All were talked by the Ukrainian President personally. Finally, two of them were almoust expelled. The reason is that they wanted to form full self-independed of the cabinet of ministers. This doesn’t copes with the office of the Ukrainian President. This is the first time in the history of Ukraine, when the presidential party has an opportunity to form The Government without consulting other parties. Mr. Zelensky with his team wants to maximize this benefit.

Now, the main candidate for the post of the Prime Minister is Alexey Goncharuk. Before the year of 2014 he was working in different private law firms. In 2014 he founded the political party called “Power of People”, but in parliamentary elections it has got only 0,11% of votes. Now he is the Deputy Head of the Presidents Office.
Alongside, work is under way of searching candidates for ministerial posts. Michail Radutsky, the friend of Zelensky will be appointed as the The Minister of the Health. He is the owner of private medical clinics. Month ago, he was abandoning from this office.

Sergey Babak is going to become the Minister of Education. It was he, telling that the government budget allows to raise teachers salaries to 4000$. He announced that it needs two hundred million dollars. In reality this sum is higher than two billion dollars. Little mistake…

Probably, Zelensky will get controlled populist government. Now everyone wonders, will Zelensky keep his promises to low utility rates? Or will he blame his cabinet of ministers for incapacity? This is the way how acts another Vladimir. He rules Easter from the Ukraine. They are becoming similar. It is fully known, that some Twitter accounts were blocked because of awkward questions to the President. However Vladimir Jr. has the way to grow.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk


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