USA is tired of LGBT

Opublikowano: 09.07.2019 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 445

The public organization Super Happy Fun America has agreed with the Boston City Hall to hold the Straight Pride Parade on August 31st. The main goal of the parade is to support what nature initially gave people. It is known that heterosexuality is supported by the majority of the population, but this is silent on the background of the constant lobbying of LGBT people.

According to the organization, about 2,000 people can take part in the event. Super Happy Fun America believes that the parade will be a landmark in the history of civil rights in America. All are welcome, both straights and allies, to join us in celebrating the diverse history, culture, and contributions of the straight community.

It is possible that values ​​are being re-assessed among the US population. In particular, in the issue of perception of sexual minorities. According to the American edition of The Hill, in 2016, 63% of young Americans felt comfortable in a society of gays, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people and other variations of human individuals. In 2018, this figure fell to 45%.

In 2016, 24% of Americans from 18 to 34 years old have declared hostility for family members to belong to sexual minorities. In 2018, this figure increased by 15%. In the US, the percentage of opponents of teaching the history of LGBT in schools is currently 39%, and in 2016 there were 20% of such people.

Translating this situation to the political plane, it can be noted that democracy is a form of social life, when various minorities first demand respect for non-traditionalism. Then equal rights are required with the majority. After achieving these goals, they move to dictate their will to the majority. Most will remain silent and yield, fearing accusations of sexism, racism, lack of political correctness and tolerance. However, everything comes to an end sooner or later.

Apparently this feeling is already overdue. But we will not give bold predictions yet.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk


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