Ukraine chose Zelensky

Opublikowano: 23.04.2019 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 587

In Ukraine, the second round of presidential elections was held.

Already after the April 19 debate, the results were obvious. On the eve of the elections, the headlines of the articles of leading foreign newspapers indicated that the West was betting on the victory of Vladimir Zelensky. And the current president himself stated that he would accept “any victorious president.” Petro Poroshenko admitted defeat and congratulated his opponent on his victory before the official announcement of the CEC results.

So, Vladimir Zelensky won with a convincing margin. 73% voted for him. Petro Poroshenko cast their votes 27% of voters. With that, voter turnout broke records and made up 62% of the country’s population.

Undoubtedly, Petro Alekseevich got a difficult five years of rule. He is blamed for the unprecedented fall in the standard of living of the population, the collapse of the national economy, agriculture and industry.

The president himself always considered the main direction of his activity a final turn from Russia towards the EU and NATO. On this way, the country experienced dances on the Maidan with shouts of “who not jumping – that moskal”, officials’ lustration through garbage cans, nationalist marches… In general, a turn was not easy. And the Ukrainians got Europe. The truth is not in the form in which it was imagined. The country has gained long-awaited visa-free travel and millions of citizens have become representatives of the most difficult professions in the service sector and agriculture. But in European countries. But Ukraine has not become an equal partner for Europe.

And statements about the return of the Crimea, the fight against corruption and the war with the Russian troops in the Donbass simply covered up the total theft of state assets by clans of oligarchs and those close to power. And Petro Poroshenko became the richest president of the poorest European country, increasing his fortune more than 80 times.

As for Vladimir Zelensky, so far he has no clear and well-thought-out state development program, as well as his own team. So, at first, the predecessor’s developments will most likely be used. There is still no clear slogan for the elected head of state, and election slogans sound, to put it mildly, populist. And how to realize them, he is unlikely to represent. In the presidential chair, Zelensky is quite able to feel his movie hero Goloborodko. And it is good if it can realize at least a part of his ideas.

Zelensky said that he did not intend to lead the country for more than one term. And he has five years left to make Ukraine a country “where only salutes are fired, where you can quickly open a business, get a passport where everyone gets decent salaries and pensions, and corrupt officials are in prison.” Well, Mr. President, time has gone.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk


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1 wypowiedź

  1. hashi 23.04.2019 19:08

    Naiwniaki uwierzyli w demokracje i wybrali to samo co było.

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