Homo Visegradicus does not suit the EU

Opublikowano: 27.03.2019 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 2330

Hungarian cultural analyst Róbert Kiss-Szemán wrote in his work that when archaeologists of the distant future draw a cultural map of the atomic age, a region that they would call Middle Europe or Central Europe will undoubtedly appear on the map of Europe.

The result of the collision of two tectonic plates, the region has a unique geographical, linguistic and ethnic diversity.

The researcher proposed to allocate in some separate ethnic subspecies of the perfect man “Homo Visegradicus”, the inhabitants of the countries of Central Europe (Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Czech Republic). The inhabitants of these countries have historically common roots, history and interpenetration of cultures.

Kiss-Szemán writes that he is a hospitable, generous and cautious person who knows how to win, because he looks to the future with optimism. According to the scientist, such an ethnic type could have been formed due to the integration of the best qualities of his ethnic group. From the Hungarians – the explosive nature and their generous hospitality. From the Czechs – the ability to take care of material values ​​and their tactical foresight. From the Slovaks – their natural freshness and ingenuity, as well as their ability to achieve victory in the initially unfavorable situation. From the Poles, ingenuity and cultural elegance are accompanied by solid religious conviction.

Modern Homo Visegradicus (population of the Visegrad Group countries) demonstrate unity, isolation. They refuse to accept refugees and follow the traditional canons of the European Union.

Poland, Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic go their own way and oppose the deepening of European integration. As a result, the EU and the Visegrad Group have a number of intractable contradictions.

The main of them are:

– refusal to accept an uncontrolled flow of refugees from the countries of the Middle East and Africa;

– unwillingness to introduce the euro instead of the national currency (with the exception of Slovakia);

– rejection of the blind submission to the EU.

The disagreements have led many in Western Europe to see V4 as a splinter, which leads to their gradual alienation from the EU. The leadership of the union tried to put pressure on the leadership of each of the four countries. However, unsuccessfully. The influence of the Visegrad Group in Europe is gradually increasing, and in the member countries the issue of exit from the EU has repeatedly been raised.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk
Source: WolneMedia.net


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