On the fool’s day, the new president of Ukraine will be known

Opublikowano: 12.03.2019 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1214

The last day has passed when presidential candidates in Ukraine can withdraw their candidacy. The final version of the ballot paper will now be approved.

As a result, 43 candidates will be presented in the bulletin. However, it is worth talking about the top three of them.

So: Zelensky, Timoshenko, Poroshenko. In this order, they are according to the current rating and soon one of them will take the post of head of state.

Vladimir Zelensky is currently leading in the interim ratings. From 19 to 25% of respondents are ready to give their votes for the showmen. At the same time, a significant part of its potential electorate is youth. And this category of the population is not the most active and responsible. Therefore, not all of them will come to the polls. And the actual performance of the artist may be much lower than at present.

The candidate can increase hisn election rating due to the third season of the series “Servant to the People”. After watching the first two seasons of the series, I can say with confidence that for such as President Goloborodko (in the TV series Zelensky plays the role of President Goloborodko), many would surely cast their vote.

The electoral program of Vladimir Zelensky involves the development of cooperation with the IMF, and similar to the representatives of the West positions in relation to the war with Russia, as well as in the Russian language. These facts give him the support of Western politicians, and many world media outlets write about him as a very likely future president of Ukraine.

Yulia Timoshenko at the end of January lost the leading position in the ratings. She herself has repeatedly stated that she is the leader and that the ratings do not reflect the real picture. However, all sociological services cannot be mistaken at once.

In order to increase her chances of reaching the second round of elections, Timoshenko, together with Interior Minister Arsen Avakov, initiated scandals around the incumbent head of state, Petro Poroshenko, associated with large-scale theft in the army by his wards, as well as with regard to social benefits. In the media, there was a mass of information indicating that the payment of these benefits is part of Poroshenko’s Grid (election fraud scheme). In addition, Yulia Vladimirovna came up with another populist initiative to return debts to Sberbank depositors in the hope of receiving additional votes.

And finally, Petro Poroshenko. In the last month, his ratings continue to grow slowly, but steadily.

However, the president pursues a series of failures. These are accusations of bribing voters at the state expense from Timoshenko and Avakov and the involvement of his colleague Gladkovsky in thefts in the country’s defense industry. In addition, the decision by the Constitutional Court (it is under Poroshenko’s control) to abolish the article on the illegal enrichment of officials dealt a tangible blow to the president’s reputation. From the outside, it looks like the president and his team are marauders preparing for falsifying the elections.

However, despite loud scandals, we can expect further growth in the ratings of the head of state. This is due to the monetization of benefits planned for March and an increase in pensions. In addition, the president announced the imminent increase in military salaries. And the last important moment. The president has nothing to lose. In the case of a pair-game election, it is highly likely that any new head of state will put all the flaws on his predecessor. And Petro Poroshenko may follow the fate of his predecessor, V. Yanukovych.

The elections themselves will be held on March 31, and their results will be announced on April 1 – on the day of the fool. And this is quite symbolic, because as a result, the entire population of Ukraine may be fooled.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk
Source: WolneMedia.net


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