Trump doesn’t ask, he demands

Opublikowano: 28.02.2019 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1598

On February 25, during a discussion with the US governors on issues of a trade agreement with the European Union, American President Donald Trump once again demonstrated his qualities as a tough businessman and politician.

The main topic of the talks was the discussion of reciprocal duties. Trump expressed dissatisfaction with the fact that the EU charges “big tariffs” for American cars, “whereas we charge almost nothing when they send us their cars”. Currently, the EU tax on American cars is 10 percent, while the US tariff is 2.5 percent which is four times lower. Brussels wants to negotiate a reduction in car tariffs with Washington as part of a planned trade deal, but so far the United States has rejected negotiations on this issue. Because, America is pushing for the inclusion of agriculture on the trade agreement negotiation agenda. Brussels does not like this option.

The US president has time until mid-May to decide on the introduction of tariffs that can be set at 25 percent level for car imports. President Trump says these events are being held in order of national security. At the same time, European politicians express fears that this fact will be used as a lever of pressure during negotiations.

If it can, then it will most likely be used. “Play ball” in trade talks or “we’re going to tariff the hell out of you”, his appeal to the EU sounds so polite and diplomatic. Trump complained that “the European Union is very, very tough. Very, very tough… perhaps in some ways tougher than China.” And this was declared by a man who, with just one of his tweets, brought down world oil prices.

“If they do not intend to cooperate … They must hold a meeting. If they do not, we will charge them with prices, damn it. And they are going to meet”, said Trump. So it will be hard for those who sit down at the negotiating table with this person.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk


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