Russian missiles as an argument in the dispute between the US and Europe

Opublikowano: 06.02.2019 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1180

The US economic war with the countries of Europe is not yet giving the desired results for Washington. American LNG does not enjoy the desired demand, overseas products do not manage to press European competitors.

It is not yet possible to put the necessary pressure on the Western European countries in confronting the construction of Nord Stream 2. And here, the brilliant businessman Donald Trump seems to have come up with another way out of the situation. The Treaty on Medium and Short Range Missiles (TMSRM) is excellent for its business strategy with Europe. “If Europe is not afraid of the American economy, then let it be frightened by Russian missiles” – something like this can be interpreted his intentions.

The United States informed Russia of the suspension of its participation in the TMSRM, to which Moscow responded promptly. Russian President Putin demanded not to renew negotiations on this topic with the United States and suggested using the ground-based Caliber missiles that had proven their effectiveness in Syria, as well as create complexes of medium and short-range hyper sonic rockets.

And who actually won, and who lost from this. Russia is hardly upset, because it was actually bound by this treaty and could not oppose the American air defense system, which elements are located in European countries. The United States is also not affected.

But European countries now have something to think seriously about. Because the TMSRM defended first of all the NATO bases in European countries, to which Russian missiles will now be targeted on. The appearance of Russian troops in the Baltic countries or Poland has little faith in the military in Brussels, Paris or Berlin. But the fact that the NATO bases located on their territory and elements of the US missile defense system will become targets of Russian missiles is beyond doubt.

And in this context, Trump will certainly offer the European Union to reconsider relations. Considering the fact that within the framework of gaining independence from the United States, large EU countries, like Germany, France and the United Kingdom, adhere to double standards. On the one hand, politicians are trying to demonstrate a commitment to the unity of Europe’s views with the United States. On the other hand, they do not act to their detriment in favor of their overseas partners. As in the case of Russia, when everyone unanimously declares non-recognition of Crimea to Russia and condemns Kremlin support for the war in the Donbass, but continues to restore cooperation with Moscow (in such projects as Nord Stream-2).

In fact, Trump received a very serious trump card for building relations with Europe. Hiding behind Russian missiles, he may demand an increase in contributions to NATO and the US military-industrial complex, as well as political and economic preferences.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk


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