Will France infect the rest of Europe?

Opublikowano: 20.12.2018 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 3304

Some days ago, Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputovich lashed out at France, calling this country a sick man in Europe, who is pulling Europe down. Probably, this is a tough and not entirely politically correct statement from the  main Polish diplomat. We are all used to the fact that people in such positions try to be as correct as possible, because one cannot exclude the possibility that they will soon have to sit down at the negotiating table with those whom they have criticized.

But how much is the Polish minister wrong? For many weeks, anti-government rallies have been held in France. And now the leadership of this country is not able to cope with them. Moreover, under the influence of the Protestants, the French government abandoned plans to raise fuel prices. Someone will say that this is real democracy (people and government). But it seems to me that it is not entirely correct when the internal policy of the country is determined by the crowd in yellow vests, even without leaders. I emphasize that while the case is limited to domestic policy …

And, by the way, given the absence of leaders in this movement, opposition parties and movements are actively trying to link to it. From the left and centrist to the right, led by Marie Le Pen. And now the demands of the Protestants expanded to the resignation of the current president, Emmanuel Macron. Let me remind you that he repeatedly criticized Warsaw for having its own point of view on the issue of migrants, as well as for reform in the judicial sphere. In particular, last summer, during his tour of the countries of southeastern Europe, Macron said that by such actions Poland was moving towards self-isolation. But in his country, filled with visitors from Africa and the Middle East, there is real fun, threatening to turn into uncontrollable chaos.

It cannot be ruled out that the protest movement from France may spread to other countries. For example, Germany and Spain, where there are also many problems, including associated with a large number of migrants in these countries. It turns out that the indecision of the French authorities could harm the whole of Europe.

God bless the European Union!

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk
Source: WolneMedia.net


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