Merkel, Poland …

Opublikowano: 09.11.2018 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1991

More recently it became known that Merkel will complete her political career in a few years. This news did not come as a shock. Everything was going towards this, and the ambiguous victory in the parliamentary elections in 2017 and the migration crisis that divided the European Union only accelerated the decline of Merkel’s political career. And, probably, she had to leave a little earlier. But it turned out how it happened.

For European politics, the departure of the current German Chancellor will not pass without a trace. For Poland, Merkel was not the worst chancellor. It may be recalled that on the paternal side her grandfather was a Pole. She herself spent her youth in East Germany, which means she also suffered from the communist order that the Poles faced at that time. She respects the Polish “Solidarity”, without which, in her opinion, there would be no unification of Germany.

Probably, all this contributed to the respectful attitude of Berlin towards Warsaw within the EU. With the support of Germany’s Merkel rule, Poland has become the largest beneficiary of the European budget. In addition, Germany favorably approached the Polish postulates of non-distinction between the euro area states and the rest, to which Poland belongs.

Now, among all the anti-German rhetoric, the French position is more clearly visible, consisting in a strict separation of the eurozone countries and the rest. Paris supports different budgets for these two groups of EU countries and, accordingly, their attitude towards them. Merkel had enough strength to keep the European Union torn at the seams. It’s not a fact that her mate or leaders of other European countries have enough strength to do it, especially against the background of strengthening right sentiment throughout Europe. And not the fact that it needs to be done. I admit that with her departure the structure of the EU will change radically, which at present looks very tired. Up to its complete reformatting. In this case, it is important not to miss the moment, so as not to be on the periphery of the new Eurozone with new leaders.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk


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