Poroshenko is like Putin

Opublikowano: 02.11.2018 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1101

The election campaign of candidates for the presidency of the country has begun in Ukraine (officially starts on December 31, 2018). And rivers of recriminations, slander and propaganda flowed.

On the example of this election campaign, it becomes clearly visible how the trends are changing. Political technologies are being improved and developed.

Traditionally, with the beginning of such a campaigns, an ordinary voter expects the appearance of clear lists of candidates for the post. A brief biography, political program and promises of candidates are published. Television and radio broadcasts are conducted. Advertising billboards and posters appears.

But this time everything went a different way in Ukraine.

The pre-election campaign yet did not entered the active phase, but the candidates pulled out all the trump cards from their sleeves and threw out a lot of negatives about their opponents. At the same time, no one particularly bothers to provide evidence, the parties do not disdain at all the obvious forgery.

More recently, the names of Vakarchuk and Zelensky who have emerged among the lists of candidates have caused some confusion. And if a person of Vakarchuk has something in society and inspires respect, then the comedian Zelensky is associated only with romantic comedies, but not with the image of the head of state. But it is no time for laughter when the comedian and the showman takes second place in the official intermediate ratings.

And it’s not at all funny when you find out the names of the patrons and sponsors of the candidates’ election campaigns. Here many people from the Forbes list, such as Soros, Kolomoisky, Akhmetov and other respected businessmen, cross.

Separately, it is worth noting the current head of state, Petro Poroshenko. He made all his promises four years ago and adds nothing new. He does not deal with the disclosing of compromising materials on candidates, but he is coolly and methodically preparing for elections.

Well, it does not merge, if only quite a bit. Well, he told the public that the increase in gas tariffs was agreed 10 years ago by Yulia Volodimirovna. Who decides to clarify, he will find that it happened on March 2, 2017, and who does not, he will blame Timoshenko for having financial difficulties.

But Petr Alekseevich, wherever possible and not possible, declares about the successes of his rule – obtaining a visa-free regime and a wonderful future for the country in the EU and NATO.

Along the way, taking advantage of this Constitution and the people in power, the heads of regions are appointed from among the representatives of the security forces. Moreover, having experience overclocking protesters. Everyone remembers 2004-2005, when, under the leadership of the security forces, mass ballot stuffing and fraud were carried out at polling stations in the interests of Yanukovich. A change of heads of the Security Service of Ukraine (Transcarpathian and Vinnytsya region) took place. And, apparently, these personnel changes are not the last.

When observing the pre-election actions of the president, an involuntary association suggests itself: “Yes, he is the same as Putin.” It is difficult to say whether this is good or not for P. Poroshenko in the current political situation. But their actions are really similar. This is the maximum use of the resources of the head of state for the preparation of the election soil. Silence about their failures and extensive coverage of success. The appointment of fully controlled leaders in troubled regions capable of dishonest struggle and violent suppression of possible protests.

Here, except that the charisma is not enough for the Ukrainian president. But he definitely borrowed his working methods from a hated colleague.

And on the effectiveness of such measures can be judged April 1, 2019. Time (and the political technologies) will show if the result will be a huge joke or not.

Authorship: Vitaliy Timoschuk
Source: WolneMedia.net


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