Peace plan to escalate the war

Opublikowano: 01.06.2023 | Kategorie: International

Liczba wyświetleń: 1204

Recently, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky made a big tour around the world, negotiating the supply of weapons with partners. Another purpose of the tour was to promote his version of a peace plan to end the war, as opposed to that presented by China.

The main theses of the Zelensky peace plan are:

– the withdrawal of troops by Russia from the territory of Ukraine and the restoration of the state border as of 1991;

– payment of reparations by Russia;

– punishment of Russian war criminals (all who took part in hostilities);

– providing Ukraine with security guarantees from NATO and the formation of a new world order.

President Zelensky’s plan outlines a lot of what the representatives of Russia and the West must do, as well as the desired result for Ukraine. But there is a complete lack of analysis of the causes of the conflict, the goals and means of getting out of it, as well as the stages of implementation of the proposed plan. Moreover, the key point is precisely the punishment, weakening and military defeat of Russia.

The plan does not specify funding sources. Apparently, this role is proposed to be taken by NATO and EU countries. This question could be formulated directly – let’s invest in military operations, defeat Russia and make money on it. And it would be more correct to call the peace plan itself as a “Plan to destroy Russia”.

And Zelensky will continue his trips around countries and contingents, dispersing military hysteria and fears, which is really leading the world to disaster.

Author: Timoschuk


Poznaj plan rządu!


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